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Are dancers more sexually attractive?

Updated: Nov 12, 2018

Why are dancers more sexually attractive? As humans we automatically feel the need to procreate and reproduce, but first we need to find a mate, in some cultures dance is often part of the mating ritual. But why?

As we dance we can show the visual aesthetics and symmetry of our bodies and muscular structure as it moves through the ranges of motion in the dance.

Good dancers are often considered to have more symmetry in their bodies. This is often because they have trained and focused on their bodies to achieve visually symmetrical results.

Studies have shown that a more symmetrical appearance is considered to be more sexually attractive to the opposite sex. It’s also thought to be a sign of health, again important when choosing a mate with you wish to procreate.

Apparently, it is more important for a man to be symmetrical, as women place more subconscious importance on body symmetry when looking for their mate. Women have also been shown to be pickier when choosing a mate than their male counterparts. Since body symmetry is also a sign of health, again important when choosing a mate as you would want your offspring to be healthy, survival of the fittest and all that.

These basic primal instincts are still inherent in us as humans, although we can all choose to ignore these instincts and look for other characteristics in our partner of choice.

But, if you want to appear more sexually attractive then you need to work on your body symmetry.. join a dance class today!!!

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